Admission Ambassadors
Our ambassadors offer invaluable support to the Office of Admission. From helping greet visitors at the front desk of Cutler Hall to providing campus tours to supporting us with campus events, our ambassadors are often the first face that you'll encounter when arriving at CC.
Hearing from current students is the best way to learn about life on the Block Plan. We encourage you to email them with your questions!
Meet Our Team

Safa Aldoubosh '27
Admission Ambassador, Outreach & Access Intern
Hometown: Aurora, CO
Major: Neuroscience
Minor: Global Health
Ask me about: Bridge Scholars Program, Pre-med/Pre-PA, Muslim Student Association, social justice movements, places to visit in Colorado, and resources on campus
Favorite place on campus: Bean Table

Lilly Asano '27
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Davidson, NC
Major: Independent Design Major, Communications Studies (intended)
Minor: Journalism
Ask me about: The Catalyst Newspaper, student journalism, Outdoor Education, Greek Life at CC (TLAM!), hockey, and my favorite CO Springs food!
Favorite place on campus: North Palmer Quad (aka the mini-quad outside Tutt Science) or Ed Robson Arena's press box

Maggie Aslanian '25
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Major: History-Political Science
Ask me about: Coffee shops in Colorado Springs, free swim, SoCC radio hours, blocks abroad, living in a triple (two years!), Prison Abolition Project, and starting college undeclared
Favorite place on campus: The grass behind Cutler Hall!
Kalie Chang '26
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Highlands Ranch, CO
Majors: Economics, Computer Science
Ask me about: Double majoring at CC, studying abroad, club figure skating, securing competitive tech internships with a liberal arts degree, and learning multiple languages
Favorite place on campus: Skating at Ed Robson Arena

Alicia Chavez '26
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Denver, CO
Major: Political Science
Minor: Music
Ask me about: Music lessons, the pre-law track, student newspaper, skiing and the Freeriders Union of CC, and the best food options in Downtown Colorado Springs and Denver!
Favorite place on campus: Fourth floor of Tutt Library

Payton Crosby '25
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
Major: Political Science
Minor: Environmental Studies
Ask me about: Intramural sports, the Office of Sustainability, North Boys Enrichment Program, college transitions, choosing a major, and pickle ball!
Favorite place on campus: The grass behind Cutler Hall

Alyna Dao '27
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Wichita, KS
Major: Neuroscience (intended)
Minor: Human Biology and Kinesiology (intended)
Ask me about: Taking a gap year, pre-med track on the block plan, Bridge Scholars, volunteering/working with CC's high-impact partners as a Bonner Fellow, and cultural advocacy.
Favorite places on campus: Tutt Library and Preserve Hill

Katherine Derdzinski '25
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Denver, CO
Major: History-Political Science
Ask me about: Going to school close to home, Greek life, and intramural sports
Favorite place on campus: Tava Quad

Ashley Entwistle '26
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Singapore
Major: History-Political Science
Minor: Environmental Studies
Ask me about: Winter Start at CC, community engagement, being far from home, pre-professional resources, and outdoor education!
Favorite place on campus: Any Tutt Library deck on a sunny day

Olivia Furman '25
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Major: Environmental Studies
Ask me about: Arts and Crafts adjuncts, intramural sports, and where to find the best soft serve!
Favorite place on campus: Biking on "The Strip" (the path between Shove Chapel and Cutler Hall)

Verónica González Paris '26
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Paraguay
Major: Business, Economics, and Society
Minor: Chinese Language
Ask me about: Being a Christian, Latina/international student, and part of the CC Student Government Association at CC.
Favorite places on campus: Behind Cutler Hall (the mountain views are stunning!).

Karly Hamilton '25
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Newton, MA
Major: Mathematical Economics
Ask me about: Writing for The Catalyst, residential life, and the best places to eat in the Springs!
Favorite place on campus: Tutt Library's second floor patio

Heather Hatch '25
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO
Major: Sociology
Minor: French
Ask me about: Language on the block plan and study abroad programs!
Favorite place on campus: Tava Quad

Estefanía Izarnótegui '27
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Santiago, Chile
Major: Neuroscience (intended)
Minor: German Studies (intended)
Ask me about: Being an international student, on-campus employment, religion at CC, and food options!
Favorites place on campus: Tiger Trail and Preserve Hill

Abby Lê '25
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Major: Mathematical Economics
Ask me about: Being an international student, the Mathematical Economics major, CC Investment Club, and student success resources at CC
Favorite places on campus: Tiger Trail, Palmer Hall

Marley Lowe '25
Senior Admission Ambassador, Ambassador Co-Captain
Major: Molecular Biology
Minor: Music
Ask me about: STEM at CC, the pre-health track, study abroad, Bridge Scholars, music opportunities on campus, good coffee shops in Colorado Springs
Favorite place on campus: Cornerstone Arts Center

Natalia Maahs '25
Admission Ambassador
Major: Molecular Biology
Minors: Biochemistry, Human Biology and Kinesiology
Ask me about: Ultimate Frisbee, arts and crafts classes, blocks abroad, taking a semester off, which department has the best free snacks
Favorite place on campus: Under a tree on Tava Quad

Millie Mancini '26
Admission Ambassador
Major: Organismal Biology and Ecology
Minor: Southwest Studies
Ask me about: Being a transfer student, intramural sports, student research opportunities, STEM on the block plan
Favorite place on campus: The bean table!

Nico Martinez '27
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Austin, TX
Major: Education
Minor: Anthropology
Ask me about: Coming from a military family, club sports (sko wasabi), the CC and Colorado Springs live music scene, and anything else!
Favorite place on campus: Preserve Hill above Stewart Field overlooking the mountains!

Aiden McLean '26
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Boise, ID
Major: History-Political Science
Minor: French
Ask me about: Outdoor Education, LlamaPalooza, being a winter start, the Political Science & History departments, French/language on the Block Plan, Pre-Law advising, going abroad!
Favorite place on campus: Bean Table

Febby Nonde '27
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Lusaka, Zambia
Major: Mathematical Economics
Minor: Film and Media Studies
Ask me about: Black Student Union, International Student orientation and resources, residential life at CC, African restaurants in Colorado Springs, travel and documents, and finally how to have fun at CC.
Favorite place on campus: Tava Quad and Mathias Lounge

Tâm Phan '25
Admission Ambassador
Major: Psychology
Minors: Education, Environmental Studies
Ask me about: Being an international student, studying abroad experiences, residential hall life, on-campus employment, Asian cultures, and fun things to do around campus and in the city.
Favorite place on campus: The rat lab in Tutt Science Building

Ella Pierce '25
Admission Ambassador
Major: Political Science
Ask me about: Being a transfer student, club soccer, or political science and the pre-law track!
Favorite place on campus: Susie B’s Library Café

Janeiya Porter '26
Senior Admission Ambassador, Outreach & Access Intern
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Major: English Literature
Minor: Molecular Biology
Ask me about: Balancing STEM and the humanities on the block plan, study abroad, and affinity groups on campus!
Favorite place on campus: The garden level of Tutt Library

Audrey Pozen '27
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Newton, MA
Major: Sociology
Minors: Anthropology, Computer Science
Ask me about: Dance Workshop, intramural and club sports, The SOCC, arts and crafts, and outdoor activities in Colorado!
Favorite place on campus: The Tiger Trail

Cooper Quatrochi '26
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Denver, CO
Major: Business, Economics, and Society
Minor: Music
Ask me about: Ultimate Frisbee! I’m on Wasabi, the team playing in the men’s division. Also about athletics in general, Greek life, and the business, economics, and music departments.
Favorite place on campus: Yampa field

Tess Rittenberg '25
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Denver, CO
Major: Sociology
Minor: Spanish
Ask me about: Disability life on campus, Theatre Workshop, student leadership, and the in-state experience
Favorite place on campus: Taylor Theater
Gabby Rogan '25
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Skokie, IL
Major: History-Political Science
Minor: Education
Ask me about: Jobs on campus, the Block Plan and Block Breaks, fun things to do in the area, studying abroad
Favorite place on campus: Preserve Hill

Mckenna Ryan '25
Ambassador Co-Captain
Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO
Major: Anthropology
Ask me about: Spanish, studying abroad, CC history, choosing a major, or what to do in the Springs
Favorite place on campus: Cossitt Amphitheater

Caroline Sandberg '25
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Incline Village, NV
Major: Environmental Studies
Minor: Education
Ask me about: Sunrise Movement on campus, CC TREE Semester, and exploring Colorado Springs!
Favorite place on campus: Tava Quad

Ella Schuchard '27
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO
Major: Organismal Biology and Ecology
Minor: English
Ask me about: STEM on the block plan, CC’s Llamapalooza Music Festival, the pre-veterinary track, and anything about the Springs (I was born and raised here)
Favorite place on campus: The Barnes Science Building, specifically the room where we keep Chuck, the ball python!

Marina Seidl '27
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Portland, OR
Major: Molecular Biology (intended)
Minor: Spanish
Ask me about: D3 athletics (tennis), STEM on the block plan, IM sports, and the Spanish program
Favorite place on campus: Tava Quad under the trees!

Zoe Smith '25
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Lynnfield, MA
Major: English-Creative writing
Minors: History, Journalism
Ask me about: What made me come to CC, being a first-generation student, and fun traditions on campus.
Favorite place on campus: Yampa Field

Karla Soto '25
Senior Admission Ambassador, Ambassador Co-Captain
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Major: Psychology
Minor: Education
Ask me about: Ask me about Dance Workshop or CCKD
Favorite place on campus: Cossitt Hall

Will Sylvain '25
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
Major: Political Science
Minor: Journalism
Ask me about: The Catalyst, sports on campus, the Political Science department, and the best restaurants in the Springs
Favorite place on campus: Yampa Field!
Sophie Tolson '25
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Washington, D.C.
Major: Art History
Minors: Religion, Museum Studies
Ask me about: The arts at CC, student employment, and fun things to do in Colorado Springs.
Favorite place on campus: The bean table

Joaquin Valencia '27
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Cuenca, Ecuador
Major: Neuroscience
Minor: Human Biology and Kinesiology
Ask me about: QuestBridge Scholars Network, Bridge Scholars Program, intramural sports, SOMOS
Favorite place on campus: El Pomar Sports Center

Nathan Verschuur '26
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Major: Business, Economics, and Society
Ask me about: Business clubs, Greek life, club volleyball, IM sports
Favorite place on campus: The Fishbowl

Alyce Watt '27
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Raynham, MA
Major: Organismal Biology & Ecology
Minor: Feminist & Gender Studies
Ask me about: Taking a gap year, solo traveling, our club Equestrian team, being vegetarian on campus, working multiple on-campus jobs.
Favorite place on campus: The funky looking tree near the Northeast corner of Armstrong!

Olivia Weinstein '26
Admission Ambassador
Hometown: Northampton, MA
Major: Political Science
Minor: Global Health
Ask me about: Gap semester/winter start experience, Greek life, study abroad, intramural sports, and the best study spots downtown!
Favorite place on campus: Preserve Hill

Anna Wooster '25
Senior Admission Ambassador
Hometown: San Anselmo, CA
Major: Political Science
Minor: Global Health
Ask me about: New Student Orientation, gap years, Political Science, intramural sports, campus life, why CC is the best school ever
Favorite place on campus: Tutt Library's decks!